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Swedish Input List - Search

The Swedish Input List is a public register of commercial products (fertilisers, soil conditioners, plant protection products, feed, sileage agents and related products). The list contains products for use on KRAV certified farms, as well as products for use on other certified organic farms in Sweden. You can filter the products accordingly (see How to use section). 

The Swedish Input List contains products evaluated by FiBL as well as products evaluated by third parties in Sweden (approved and certified products). Those products evaluated by third parties are included into the list as a service to farmers. However, FiBL is not responsible for these listings. KRAV certified products are transferred to the list a couple of times a year. This means that products recently certified may not yet be shown in the list. In case of doubt, please ask the manufacturer / distributor to show you the KRAV certificate.

For plant protection products, the section ‘Product details’ contains a link to the Swedish pesticides register (KEMI), where all details of the authorisation can be looked up. For basic substances, the section ‘Product details’ contains a link to the EU pesticides database, where the review reports with all details of the authorisation can be looked up. Because basic substances are approved generically and can then be marketed by any distributor, the Swedish Input List contains a ‘default entry’ for each basic substance, which does not specify the distributor.

1 Restrictions stated for the regulation/standard "Reg. (EC) 2018/848" are also valid for the other cited regulations/standards.

The restrictions are displayed in their original language. As these only apply in the national context, they are not translated into English.

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