How to use
Step 1: Find products
You can search products:
- by category and sub-category or
- by product name or
- by company name
You can use these search parameters individually but also can also effect a combined search. (Example: ‘bio’ will find all products with the word ‘biological’). Search terms must be at least 3 caracters long.
To start, press the ‘Search’ button or type ‘enter’, and a list of all products matching the search parameters will be displayed below (if required, scroll down).
1.1 How to find specific product types
The product search allows searching for certain product types:
- Click on ‘Select category’, then a window with the main categories will open.
- You may select a main category.
- By clicking on the triangle in front of the category name, all subcategories will be shown.
- You may select a subcategory, or click on the triangle to show the sub-categories.
Example: To filter out basic substances, proceed as follows:
- Click on ‘Select category’.
- Click on the triangle left of main category 2.
- To show all basic substances, select sub-category 2-4.
- To show only selected basic substances, click on the triangle left of main sub-category 2-4, then select the desired basic substance.
1.2 Instructions for KRAV and other organic farmers
If you are a KRAV certified farmer, you can skip this paragraph. No adaptation of the search function default settings are needed. The search results will only include products that may be used on KRAV certified farms.
If you are an organic farmer not certified according to the KRAV standard, you may select the standard ‘EU certified’. Then, the search results will display products for use on KRAV certified farms as well as products for use on other organic farms in Sweden.
Step 2: View product details
Click on the product you are interested in, and the product details will be displayed. The product details outline the following information:
- in the first block: details on the product
- in the second block: details on the validity of the listing. In this section includes an indication whether the product may also be used on KRAV certified farms.
- in the third block: details on the company
For plant protection products, the section ‘Product details’ in the first block contains a link to the Swedish pesticides register (KEMI), where all details of the authorisation can be looked up. For basic substances, the section ‘Product details’ contains a link to the EU pesticides database, where the review reports with all details of the authorisation can be looked up.
Step 3: Create a listing confirmation
At the top page there are two buttons. The right button is called ‘confirmation’. Click on this button to download a confirmation of listing in PDF format. You can save this confirmation on your computer or print it.